Personal Stories

Delbert Hoover
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Without Symbiz, I would never have experienced the life I know today. A regular flow of positive, healthy influence from other great leaders began the path to restructure my thoughts and habits. With encouragement and accountability I was able to step out of my comfort zone; bringing value to those around me in ways I never even dreamed of before.
John Stoltfus
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Before Symbiz I was this young new in business, lonely guy that wasn’t sure how to keep going. With Symbiz I’m still young and new in business but now I have a world of knowledge that I can bounce ideas off.  This has pushed me out of my comfort zone way more times than I was comfortable with 😊….
Matt Byler
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I always struggled to keep small but important commitments like a certain amount of exercise and getting out of bed immediately when the alarm goes off. With the accountability of Symbiz, these things happen routinely which has made a lot of other goals fall into place. Thank you Symbiz!
Jeremy Sensenig
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About 8 years ago, my family and I had returned from the mission field. We had served in a relationally demanding environment for nearly ten years. I was sort of burned out with people and problems. In a way it was refreshing to work a regular job and not have to deal with the challenges of interpersonal relationships. However, in that environment, I shifted into coast mode personally, and began to stagnate. As I got involved in business and organizational endeavors, the need for personal development and motivation became more obvious. A friend of mine invited me to join a business peer group network of which he was a part. Yet I was so busy, I did not really think that I had time to read the books or do the meetings. I had a lot of excuses why I could not join. We had a family chicken farm, a small family business, I was involved in several nonprofits in various ways, we were building a house, and I had just been ordained as a minister. I really did not have time for this stuff… I thought. But my family saw positive results even after only a few meetings. They told me that they really thought I should keep going. I'm so glad I took their advice. Through my Symbiz Network Growth Ring, I have built friendships, been developed as a person, and had business opportunities. I am growing in my ability to manage and prioritize my time. I've become more effective in caring for and leading those people in the organizations with whom I'm involved, and at my home church as well.