Leadership Development Opportunity – $5000
Personal Growth VS. Stagnation
Group Growth VS. Stagnation
Groups just like yours, have come and gone – creating relationship and financial losses difficult to quantify in dollar figures
Symbiz Network’s 2 pronged strategy to prevent group decline:
Is it possible? If you wish to take the time to drill down into the numbers, we are confident you will find these figures to be conservative. However, don’t get hung up on a particular number. The value of each benefit will vary based on ones situation. Look at the whole package. Even if your return is only one-fourth of the return projected that is still over a 250% return. Like many things in life, the amount you will get out of it depends on the effort you put into it. Personal growth is difficult. Symbiz Network will support you and cheer you on in your journey.
If you are one of the first 300 members to join your membership fee will have a 25% discount for the life of your membership. You can join today for 1,500.
Symbiz guarantees that your membership experience will be well worth the investment. If you don’t agree we will refund your entire membership fee up to three months after your first Growth Ring attendance.
Bringing together conservative Anabaptist business owners and leaders to share as brothers.