Membership ROI

Growth Ring Dynamics


Leadership Development Opportunity – $5000

  • Many personal development courses are very costly – Dale Carnegie course median cost is $5k. Group Learning Through Book Study and Situation Feedback – $500
  • It is priceless to hear from other business leaders 12X per year on what they have learned from a great book, as well as life lessons we are learning. Motivation, Accountability, Interconnection – $500
  • Group accountability provides motivation to set and achieve appropriate personal or business goals.

Sustainable Growth Versus Stagnation


Personal Growth VS. Stagnation

  • 112 Billion lost just by  companies losing CEOs – Forbes
  • Divided by 11 M companies in US = $10K/Yr
  • Beyond your Growth Ring, we will provide industry specific forums & inter-group sharing

Group Growth VS. Stagnation

Groups just like yours, have come and gone – creating relationship and financial losses difficult to quantify in dollar figures

Symbiz Network’s 2 pronged strategy to prevent group decline:

  • We provide a platform to develop individual members personally and keep them growing, which becomes a powerful symbiotic synergy.
  • We provide the framework, tools, resources, and interconnected accountability to oversee group function and harness the power of positive peer pressure infused with our core values (Healthy Relationships, Personal Growth, Generosity)

Informed Book Selection


  • Learning from others observations of the book, as well as a system to store what you’ve learned.
  • Reading great books instead of a mediocre or bad book: 3 hr/month at $100/hr
  • Time saved searching for and pre-reading multiple books: 1 hr/month at $100/hr

Facilitator Coaching


  • $4000 / group facilitator 8 Member group.
  • Facilitator gets free leadership training in exchange for leading the group.

Input from other Symbiz Members


  • Connect one-on-one with other Symbiz members via the member directory.
  • Join a Symbiz industry specific forum to learn from others in your industry. Pick up advice, tips, tricks, and trends.

Annual Conference


  • Free Admission for Symbiz Members.
  • Members only segment of conference.
  • Breakout session for members only.

Total Symbiz Network Value : $23,800

Annual Symbiz Network Return on Investment

Annual Membership Investment




By this formula, you are getting a 1090% return on investment.

Is it possible? If you wish to take the time to drill down into the numbers, we are confident you will find these figures to be conservative. However, don’t get hung up on a particular number. The value of each benefit will vary based on ones situation. Look at the whole package. Even if your return is only one-fourth of the return projected that is still over a 250% return. Like many things in life, the amount you will get out of it depends on the effort you put into it. Personal growth is difficult. Symbiz Network will support you and cheer you on in your journey.

25% Lifetime Discount for the first 300 Symbiz Members

If you are one of the first 300 members to join your membership fee will have a 25% discount for the life of your membership. You can join today for 1,500.

No Risk Guarantee

Symbiz guarantees that your membership experience will be well worth the investment. If you don’t agree we will refund your entire membership fee up to three months after your first Growth Ring attendance.

Growth Ring Dynamics


Sustainable Growth Versus Stagnation


Informed Book Selection


Facilitator Coaching


Industry Specific Forums/Other Members


Annual Conference


Total Value


Annual Dues


25% Lifetime Discount for first 300 Members
